SGPM Maternity Home

Looking back at our 20th anniversary celebrations

We are so grateful for all who have joined us throughout this 20th anniversary year. It has been such a special year with many joyous occasions. We are beyond blessed to have the support of such generous people like you. Continue on the journey with us for the next 20 years of loving life!

Book Correction

Saint Gianna and Pietro Molla Maternity Home:
A Story of Faith, Hope, and Joy

We apologize for a mistake in our 20th anniversary book that was recently published (March 2024). On page 12, it states that Saint Gianna had cancer while pregnant with her last child.

In fact, her diagnosis was not cancer. At the end of Saint Gianna’s second month of pregnancy, she was diagnosed with a huge fibromyoma (fibroid), a benign tumor, in her uterus.

SGPM Maternity Home

Canticle of Praise Banquet
Tuesday, April 16th, 2024

We extend our deepest gratitude to all who celebrated with us at our Canticle of Praise Mass & Banquet. A special thanks to all who have been involved in any way, shape, or form with our Home in the last 20 years. We wouldn't be here today without you.

Author | Roxane Salonen

‘St. Gianna Is Very Close to Our Hearts’: Lives Changed Through Saint’s Intercession

Our 20th anniversary Mass and banquet unveiled many beautiful testimonies. Read more.

© Manstrom Photography

SGPM Maternity Home

Kick-off event on August 19th, 2023

It was a beautiful, blessed day of celebrating 20 years.