
Next Giving Hearts Day
February 12th, 2026


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Thank you for your generosity on Giving Hearts Day!

We are incredibly grateful for the Giving Hearts who donate to support our mission! God bless you always. Visit and like our Facebook page for important information about Giving Hearts Day!
SGPM Maternity Home

Open your hearts to support the gift of life

Giving Hearts Day is an online fundraiser that is held in February each year.
Annual fundraising event
Invited by sponsors Dakota Medical Foundation, Impact Foundation, and Alex Stern Family Foundation, Saint Gianna & Pietro Molla Maternity Home has participated in Giving Hearts Day for many years.
$10 or more matched!
Contributions of $10 or more are matched by DMF and other generous donors.
Thank you for your generous gifts to SGPM Maternity Home!
Giving hope & love
At Saint Gianna & Pietro Molla Maternity Home, we give love and hope to the mothers who find themselves pregnant and alone. Thank you for helping us give women and families the opportunity to choose life.

GHD postcard 2025

Learn more about Giving Hearts Day >> 

GHD website