We are seeking three young, mature, and balanced women to join the beautiful pro-life work of Saint Gianna & Pietro Molla Maternity Home.
Applicants must be joyful, confident, and able to work well with others. The women must also believe in the teachings of the Catholic Church, especially regarding human sexuality and abortion, and have a valid drivers license.
Duties vary and include but are not limited to running errands, simple meal prep, cleaning, classes, child care, and mentoring young mothers as they make big decisions.
Being a housemother is a unique opportunity to take part in the pro-life cause in a very personal way. It is a chance to live a life of prayer and service, while preparing for a vocation and discerning the path God has laid in front of you.
Housemothers have the opportunity to do this in all of their daily tasks, as well as in the great task of helping women welcome new life into the world.
Being a housemother is a live-in position, daily tasks vary from helping our mothers and little ones, taking them to appointments and other errands, teaching classes, house cleaning, meal preparations, spending quality time with our mothers as well as visiting and helping former residents. A job where the Works of Mercy are embraced daily.
Room and board is included, as well as eight (8) days off per month.
Please send your resume and cover letter to: sgpmollahome@outlook.com. Feel free to email your questions or call 701-248-3077 to visit with Mary Pat, our Director or one of our current housemothers.
Saint Gianna & Pietro Molla Maternity Home is a Catholic Home for pregnant women who do not have the support or resources they need to give birth to and care for their children. Our job is to welcome women into our home and our hearts, to provide them with resources and strategies for pregnancy and parenting, and show them a loving home in the midst of the world. Located in the village of Warsaw, ND, which is 30 miles north of Grand Forks, ND. Learn more.